Fr Stephen had a small going away committee from St Bernadette to send him off on his pro-life missionary trip. Fr Stephen’s first stop was El Paso to protest abortionist Franz Theard with the Shavers of Abortion Free New Mexico. While in El Paso, Fr Stephen went back into New Mexico to celebrate Mass in front of Theard’s NM office. (After Mass).
Before leaving for San Antonio. After Mass and a talk in San Antonio. Prayer Vigil and prayers of exorcism at PP in San Antonio.
Late night drive into Louisiana heading to Baton Rouge . In front of Delta abortion mill where weeks earlier an abortionist quit after we prayed prayers of exorcism and celebrated a Mass at this killing center. Before leaving Florida, Fr Stephen has lunch with the Reyes! Founders of Mary’s Pregnancy Center.
Mass at the American Abortion Holocaust Memorial, Baton Rouge. Prayers of minor exorcism outside Women’s Clunic of Hollywood on the first day of 40 Days for Life
ON THE ROAD FOR LIFE in under the patronage of St Mother Teresa. Father celebrated Mass for the Miami Missionaries of Charity to kickoff a week in Florida with almost 2 dozen events. Miami, Florida 8/19/19.
Miami, Florida evening 8/19/19. Abortion Vigil. Tamarack Florida, 8/21/19. Staff at Margate Florida PRC, one of 5 PRCs sponsored by Archdiocese of Miami.
Hollywood Florida PRC Volunteers! 8/20/19. Prayer vigil Wellington, Florida Planned Parenthood 8/22/19. The Red Rose Rescue Effect! Police began showing up everywhere Fr Stephen. appeared and the Orlando police called him to ask his intentions. His intentions? “To pray for the end of preborn mass murder.”
Orlando Planned Parenthood 9/24/19. After Mass at JMJ PRC in Orlando 8/23/19. Evening prayer vigil Lucerne abortuary in Orlando 8/23/19.
Mass at OLG Chapel at Miracle House PRC, Palm Beach, FL. Mass at the American Holocaust Memorial. After Mass at the Delta Abortuary. After a weekend of exorcisms, prayer vigils, and a Mass on site (in the camper chapel), the main abortionist quit.
Mass before day of prayer vigils and talks in West Palm Beach, FL. ON THE ROAD FOR LIFE patronesses, Our Lady of Guadalupe and St Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Red Rose Rescue Retreat in Baton Rouge, LA
8/28/19 – 9/5/19 .
Prayer Vigil Miami Florida 8/19/19. Miraculous rock with unborn baby naturally formed into the face…Rachel Vineyard Retreat Miami August 18th, 2019. Miami Florida 8/19/19 with Fr Marshall SJ.
Abortion vigil with exorcism prayers; Hollywood Florida 8/20/19. Planned Parenthood Pembroke Pines 8/20/19. Hollywood Florida talk. See video on homepage.
Minor Exorcism at Hollywood, Florida abortion mill. 8/20/19. American Holocaust Memorial in Baton Rouge, La! Blood stained counter and actual abortion tools of death.
Protest Child Killing

and powerful protests against abortion.

Where to Protest
All protests should be peaceful and prayerful. Let your signs and images tell the story. Interact only if you can have a rational conversation with the person. Ignore emotional people and avoid emotional discussions. For all neighborhood protests, check local ordinances. Always try and build a positive relationship with local law enforcement. Let us know if you have other suggestions and we will post them!
Residential Protests…know local ordinances. No protest is too small or ineffective. Abortion facilities. Abortion facilities. Abortion facilities. Businesses that support abortion. Businesses that support abortion. City and state officials where applicable. Residential Protests…know local ordinances. Residential Protests…know local ordinances. Residential Protests…know local ordinances. Highway overpasses.
Highway overpasses. City and state officials where applicable.
Video Gallery
Fr Imbarrato interview with the Frontline Joe Pacillo and Joe Reciniello.
OAN covers Fr Stephen at Survivors Camp in Washington DC.
Pro-life Activists Stage Rescue at Abortion Clinic!
Eucharistic processions are the most peaceful, prayerful, and powerful protests against abortion. Fr. Stephen explaining the origin of the Personhood Proclamation Presidential Executive Order at the Survivor Camp July 2017. (After starting the video you will need to turn audio on by clicking on the speaker icon at bottom of the video.)
During the 2017 nationwide protest of Planned Parenthood, about 125 DC area anti-abortion advocates stated a march from the US Supreme Court to the new DC Planned Parenthood mega-facility. A similar number of pro-abortion counter-protesters showed up to harass the marchers and, if possible, prevent the protest from taking place.